Functions & Events

Corporate events to meetings, birthday parties, wakes and themed functions

Functions & Events

Memorable events in a venue with a difference

Our beers aren't the only thing made for you to enjoy. We're also here to create memorable experiences and events for you and your guests.

Do you have a big idea you're ready to bring to life, a product launch, a business event, or want a relaxed environment for your next celebration? We can help!

We specialise in pre-wedding gatherings, post-wedding recovery, and thoughtfully curating wakes 'a celebration of life'.

Check out our different spaces, and then get in touch with our team. We have the spaces, skills and experience to make your event a wonderful success!

The HQ

Our HQ is the main area of our brewery, with the kitchen to one side and the taproom to the other. This area can be booked for an exclusive event or as a semi-private event.

200 stand/150 seat

Minimum spend required for exclusive

Let's Chat

The Mezz

Our upstairs area (access via stairs only), with eclectic décor and warm lighting lends itself to all types of events. This area can be booked for an exclusive event or as semi-private.

120 stand/60 seat

Minimum spend required for exclusive

Let's Chat

The Garden

Our outside garden area (at the back of The HQ) is perfect for soaking up the sun in the summer months, or relaxing by a heater in the winter. This area can be booked for an exclusive event or as semi-private.

200 stand/150 seat

Minimum spend required for exclusive

Let's Chat

The Arbour

Our arbour leading up to the brewery entrance is a special spot, perfect for crafting unique experiences. From a long table luncheon to dinners under the stars. This area can be booked for an exclusive event only.

80 seat

Minimum spend required

Let's Chat